Our Services


1. Contact me to discuss your writing/consulting needs & timeline.

2. I work on crafting a relevant piece or plan tailored to your goals. The process is unique to each assignment & involves you.

3. You get content that resonates with your audience.

Grant Writing

Foundation Grants, Grant Templates, Donor Cycle Content, Consulting Services

An Ally for Your Mission

I am a successful grant writer and nonprofit foundation fundraiser with a decade’s worth of career-related experience in the industry. Using innovative and industry best practices, I help move your mission forward through donor-centric fundraising strategy and stakeholder-relevant grant writing consulting. To advocate for your mission, I assemble strong cases for support by composing well-researched and persuasive narratives that resonate with funders. Additionally, I create grant templates for your nonprofit organization.

Content Writing

Articles, Blog Publications, Thought Pieces, Online Copy

Content Strategy and Writing

As a creative writer with a versatile writing career, I produce content that reveals the “why” of a written piece. Incorporating the power of relevance, research, and story, I convey your message in a way that resonates with your audience. I’ve published several pieces in various outlets including online magazines, blogs, and professional sites. Moreover, I’ve ghost-written content for websites and blogs for several entities including the attorney and therapist sectors.

Other Writing

Ghostwriting, Stories, Speeches

Strategic Storytelling

With a creative writing education and years of experience, I’m able to artfully craft written pieces that will stay with your audience. I create the thread that establishes a message through the incorporation of evocative, purposeful detail to capture the essence of your intent. My legal degree and experience in grant writing provides me expertise in cohesive writing that serves not only a point but a purpose.