About Bespoke Writing Firm


Bespoke Writing Firm was created with this concept in mind: to produce compelling content that captivates a client’s audience. Relevancy, research, data, story are incorporated to craft cohesive writings that are tailor-made for your audience. With years of experience in nonprofit, grant writing, content writing, creative writing—and a legal education—Arti, the writer at Bespoke Writing Firm, is able to curate informative pieces that captivate your audience.

Why Bespoke Writing Firm

You are here because you need your message to be heard and understood—whether that is through a grant, content for a blog, your bio piece on a website, or in a book. Bespoke Writing Firm is here to help you do this. Arti’s educational background and career experience have afforded her the opportunity to hone the craft of clearly conveying the intent of a written-work’s message. Whatever your need, Bespoke Writing Firm is able to find the thread that connects your message to your audience. At BWF your pieces will be tailor-made to serve your goals and captivate your readers. Arti also offers services in addition to writing: foundation fundraising strategy consulting, program-specific grant templates, and writing workshops. Contact her for more information.



A Bespoke Approach

At Bespoke Writing Firm, you will have a craft experience. Similar to the approach of a tailor creating a bespoke suit or bridal gown, we will ensure you have a customized experience. If we feel we cannot provide this to you for any reason, we will refer you to industry peers rather than take on your project. This is because your message deserves to be presented in the best light, and we would not want to deter its potential.

Purposeful Service

Bespoke Writing Firm’s purpose is to service your message. You have an amazing idea, thought, message and want it to resonate with a specific audience. Our job is to capture your goal and manifest its power into a written piece that resonates with your audience. We may utilize various methods to achieve this: creative writing skills, compelling story, framing arguments, data and research, context, and relevancy. Bespoke Writing Firm believes that there is power in written word: in the short term, it connects people to others; but, in the big picture, it is an essential element of humanity.



At the heart of Bespoke Writing Firm is the desire to promote the concept of humanity. Beyond the confines of words are the messages that have the power to connect people in a meaningful way, changing lives and writing history. Therefore, Bespoke Writing Firm’s work will be pure in intention to ensure you get the best piece you and your audience deserve. Because humanity is foundational to Bespoke Writing Firm, 15% of profits received, on a quarterly basis, will be donated to nonprofits. Moreover, being a stakeholder in the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion awareness, Bespoke Writing Firm will offer 10% off services to entities who schedule a meeting with us to discuss their DEI efforts and how they are working to embody the practice. Learn more about the writer here, for context as to why this is an important effort.